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6 May 2014



Within restrooms there a number of different solutions to manage hand hygiene but it is vital that you choose the most effective and hygienic option. A traditional electric hand dryer is a very popular choice but do they provide an environmentally friendly solution?


Firstly, the other options available need to be investigated. Many businesses use paper towels as an alternative. These are often cited as the environmentally friendly option but is this true? Research conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that paper towels (even recycled ones) actually have a large carbon footprint if you take into account the towels full life from manufacture to disposal. This carbon footprint was found to be around the same as for an electric hand dryer. They were also found in landfill sites meaning they will have an environmental impact for years to come. These disposable paper towels are hygienic as they are used once then disposed of, but if the bin overfills this will look messy and if there is bacteria on the towels they may spread.


In some establishments they use hand towels. Although these look nice and can feel luxurious they appear to be a breeding ground for bacteria. These towels are used multiple times by multiple people so any germs or bacteria people have on their hands are easily transferred to the towel. They can then multiply so the next person cleans their hands but then picks up bacteria from the towel. Theses towels will require regular washing which uses not only electricity but water too. This again is problematic when considering restroom hygiene and environmental impact.


The final solution is the electric hand dryer. These have received criticism for wasting energy but as already discussed, using a traditional electric hand dryer has no more carbon footprint than using a paper towel. It is certainly more hygienic than a paper towel so this would appear to be a good choice. However, there have been advances in electric hand dryers which offer an environmentally friendly solution with superior hygiene.


Newer technology such as the “blade” models of hand dryer are in fact more energy efficient and give a faster drying experience than traditional electric hand dryers. This is good for the environment but also cuts down on your energy bills. All you are required to do is pop your hands into the drier and it starts to blow air, forcing the water from your hands. As you don’t have to press a switch or button there is no need to touch any surfaces so the likelihood of germs or bacteria spreading is greatly reduced. These new hand dryers are a little more expensive to purchase but will be a good investment for the future.


If you want to learn more about the options of “blade” dryers or are interested in a larger selection of electric hand dryer then view our website today.

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